North Lake Shore Drive REDEFINE THE DRIVE

As a reminder, the North LSD REDEFINE THE DRIVE Task Force( started the process to develop Phase 1 (conceptual) Plans for North LSD between Grand Avenue and Hollywood in 2013.  LVCC is a member of the Task Force.  The objective is now to complete the Phase 1 Study in 2022. 

We attended the North Lake Shore Drive Task Force Meeting #10 on Monday, March 9, 2020 at which the proposed Managed Lane alternatives in the median of LSD were discussed. Note excerpt from Task Force email sent out regarding the meeting.

.. the materials from the North Lake Shore Drive Task Force Meeting #10 have been posted to the project website…

Following is info for the four Managed Lanes alternatives now being discussed with summary info of specific importance to LVCC.  (LVCC’s LSD boundaries are LSD from Belmont to Irving Park.)

The four options for Managed Lanes in the median of North Lake Shore Drive (from Grand Avenue to Foster Avenue) presently under discussion are:

  • 3 traffic lanes +1 Bus Only Lane
  • 3 traffic lanes +1 Managed (shared traffic and Bus) Lane
  • 2 traffic lanes +2 Managed Lane (shared traffic and Bus) Lanes
  • 4 traffic lanes +1 Contraflow Bus Only Lane*
  • No Action or the continuation of existing is an option.

Graphics and a more detailed description of the managed lane options is shown in Managed Lanes.

Some important issues:

*The 4 traffic lanes +1 Contraflow Bus Only Lane option will require “tractor like” equipment to move a substantial barrier used to establish the reversible lane each day of operation. This would require significant manpower and special equipment.  It is important to note the bus lane with the 4 traffic lanes +1 Contraflow Bus Only Lane option would only be of benefit to CTA service during the AM rush hour (7 AM – 9 AM).

There would need be additional entrance-exit ramps for buses to access theManaged Lane from the NLSD junctions. 

There are three North LSD intersections in the LVCC boundaries – (1) Belmont Av. (2) Addison Av (proposed) and (3) Irving Park Rd.

The proposal is to have southbound entrance ramps and northbound exit ramps to the Managed Lane for buses only at Belmont Avenue and Irving Park Road for all Managed Lane alternatives. The exception is the proposed Managed Lane access at the Addison Street junction, which varies by alternative. The proposed access points for the Managed Lanes alternatives can be found here.

Two issues we noted were a reminder that North Lake Shore Drive should continue to be a Parkway and continue to have “green” including some trees in the median and a recognition of the fact that any bus lanes would only be of benefit to CTA service during the AM and PM rush hours (7 AM – 9 AM and 4 PM – 6 PM).

The Task Force presented an evaluation of the alternatives Managed Lanes evaluation ratio scores.

 A next Task Force working meeting is tentatively planned for June.  A next Public Meeting is tentatively planned for July or September, 2020.Retired City Official (John LaPlante) a Victim of the Coronavirus
I thought you might find the article to be published in the Active Transportation Alliance newsletter (now on their website) of interest. John LaPlante was a City official with a long history of working with the Lake View Community, many times in cooperation with the LVCC,
During Johns tenure with CDOT, CDOT, at  the direction of Mayor Washington, was a lead agency in working with the Lake View Community to develop the Lake View/Uptown Neighborhood Protection Program (the Ordinance/Program that details the City/National Base Ball agreement that authorized night base ball at Wrigley Field).
RIP John

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